Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What is genealogy?
    • It is the study of your family ancestors, who they are and what they did and why it relates to you?
  • Why do genealogy?
    • It’s fun to know more about your relatives. Your children, grandchildren and people who come after you might want to know. Also, you may have medical issues. Genealogy can help you.
  • Where do you start?
    • With you
  • What is a brick wall?
    • Your research has stopped at some point because you don’t know how to go further.
  • What is DNA?
    •  DNA tells you what you inherited from your ancestors.
  • Why do you need help?
    •  It can be confusing. Records are all over and it’s hard to know where to look.
    • Records need to be cited so they can be found again. Citing sources
  • How can I help?
    •  I can teach you the process, so you can do it yourself. I can help you with what you have started. I know the places to look and how to find them. I can get the answers more quickly and teach you to do the same.
  • Why use me?
    •  Over 40 years researching. I have the time that you don’t have. I love the process and you might not. I know the questions to ask living relatives. I can help you go further than you have so far.